商品の説明 未使用品の可能性が極めて高い逸品です。 戦局の悪化による二種軍装の着用控えと戦闘服である一種軍装、陸戦服、三種軍装の常用により使用することのなかった品と思われます。 外套着用際にもこちらは使用しなかったようです。 主に海軍経理学校卒業者、又は経済学・法学を修めた専門学校出身者が、短期現役士官として任官する際の最初の階級である。 木箱は別売り。 This is an excellent item that is extremely likely to have never been used. It is thought that these items were never used due to the refraining from wearing Type 2 military dress due to the deteriorating war situation and the regular use of Type 1 military dress and land Warfare Uniform and Type 3 military dress, which are combat uniforms. It does not appear to have been used for cloak wear. It is the first rank held by those who are mainly graduates of the Naval Accounting School or from technical schools (junior colleges) who have completed their economics or law studies when they are commissioned as short-service active officers. Wood box is sold separately. 分類···日本海軍 商品の情報 カテゴリーゲーム・おもちゃ・グッズ > ミリタリー > その他商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域未定
This is an excellent item that is extremely likely to have never been used.
It is thought that these items were never used due to the refraining from wearing Type 2 military dress due to the deteriorating war situation and the regular use of Type 1 military dress and land Warfare Uniform and Type 3 military dress, which are combat uniforms.
It does not appear to have been used for cloak wear.
It is the first rank held by those who are mainly graduates of the Naval Accounting School or from technical schools (junior colleges) who have completed their economics or law studies when they are commissioned as short-service active officers.
Wood box is sold separately.
カテゴリーゲーム・おもちゃ・グッズ > ミリタリー > その他商品の状態新品、未使用発送元の地域未定